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We provide you with a simple tax calculator from TaxWare here. This service is an all-inclusive offer of Swiss DataService GmbH. You can use the same access data for the TaxWare program as for your Swiss DataService GmbH login when you have an active annual subscription. For advanced tax calculations and advice, we recommend you order the full software. 

Please do not hesitate to contact our TaxWare support person. Mr Tobias Stolz will be happy to answer any questions and provide you with further information on TaxWare's software.

About us

Swiss DataService has been active in the market since 1999 and offers independent business data to insurance brokers who prefer to put their trust in the expertise of specialists. Regular NEWS provides brokers and advisors with the latest information.

Founder member François Leresche and his assistant Daniela Columberg work hard to build up the best possible database of business information in order to provide brokers and advisors with quality information. 

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Address and contact

Swiss DataService GmbH
Höhenweg 2b
CH - 8834 Schindellegi

Telephone: +41 44 828 60 10

© 2025 Swiss DataService GmbH